2020 Year in Review

2020 Year in Review

2020 was a tough year for everyone, especially our guests. However, with the help of our dedicated staff, volunteers and sponsors, the EMC continued to provide support to vulnerable people in our community. Working with other agencies, some of our long-term homeless guests were finally housed. At such a bleak time, helping guests move into their own home gave joy to all.

When looking at our 2020 year in review figures, it’s important to note the following:

  • all breakfasts were take-away only from April 2020
  • no lunches were served from April to June
  • Pets in the Park didn’t commence until September
  • the Community Hub had to limit the number of guests from April which reduced the number of guests accessing services

Also, the medical clinic didn’t have a doctor from July to December.

Despite these restrictions, guests were always able to get a takeaway breakfast, or a cuppa, or an emergency food parcel. Computer access was also available although for a few weeks this access was limited to one guest at a time.

2021 has started on a more positive note with the announcement in therecent ACT budget of increased funding for the EMC to enable a trial ofopening on the weekends. The details are still being discussed but this isan exciting opportunity to extend our support further.

The Early Morning Centre 2020 Year in Review...

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